图源:新华社 新华社记者 岳月伟 摄
From this day forward, the central task of the CPC will be to lead the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in a concerted effort to realize the Second Centenary Goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects and to advance the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization.
Chinese modernization is the socialist modernization pursued under the leadership of the CPC. It not only has the common characteristics of modernization of all countries, but also Chinese characteristics based on its own national conditions. Chinese modernization is the modernization of a huge population, of common prosperity for all, of material and cultural-ethical advancement, of harmony between humanity and nature and of peaceful development.
The essential requirements of Chinese modernization are as follows: upholding the leadership of the Communist Party of China and socialism with Chinese characteristics, pursuing high-quality development, developing whole-process people's democracy, enriching the people's cultural lives, achieving common prosperity for all, promoting harmony between humanity and nature, building a human community with a shared future, and creating a new form of human advancement.
build a modern socialist country in all respects
the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
adapt Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of our times
Chinese path to modernization
stay confident and build strength
★ 守正创新
uphold fundamental principles and break new ground
★ 全过程人民民主
whole-process people’s democracy
★ 人民至上
put the people first
★ 共同富裕
common prosperity for all
★ 健康中国
Healthy China Initiative
★ 美丽中国
Beautiful China Initiative
★ 平安中国
Peaceful China Initiative
★ 全面节约战略
a comprehensive conservation strategy
★ 人人有责、人人尽责、人人享有的社会治理共同体
a community of social governance in which everyone fulfills their responsibilities and shares in the benefits
★ “打虎”“拍蝇”“猎狐”
"take out tigers,""swat flies," and "hunt down foxes"
★ 新发展理念
new development philosophy
★ 科教兴国战略
the strategy for invigorating China through science and education
★ 人才强国战略
workforce development strategy
★ 创新驱动发展战略
innovation-driven development strategy
★ 以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局
a new pattern of development that is focused on the domestic economy and features positive interplay between domestic and international economic flows
★ 总体国家安全观
a holistic approach to national security
★ 全球发展倡议
Global Development Initiative
★ 全球安全倡议
Global Security Initiative
★ 全面依法治国
law-based governance on all fronts
★ 全面从严治党
full and rigorous self-governance
This country is its people; the people are the country. As the Communist Party of China has led the people in fighting to establish and develop the People's Republic, it has really been fighting for their support.
The great achievements of the new era have come from the collective dedication and hard work of our Party and our people.
Our Party has dedicated itself to achieving lasting greatness for the Chinese nation and committed itself to the noble cause of peace and development for humanity. Our responsibility is unmatched in importance, and our mission is glorious beyond compare.
Whole-process people's democracy is the defining feature of socialist democracy; it is democracy in its broadest, most genuine, and most effective form.
Our experience has taught us that, at the fundamental level, we owe the success of our Party and socialism with Chinese characteristics to the fact that Marxism works, particularly when it is adapted to the Chinese context and the needs of our times.
Through painstaking efforts, the Party has found a second answer to the question of how to escape the historical cycle of rise and fall. The answer is self-reform. By doing so, we have ensured that the Party will never change its nature, its conviction, or its character.
China will never seek hegemony or engage in expansionism.
The wheels of history are rolling on toward China's reunification and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Complete reunification of our country must be realized, and it can, without doubt, be realized!
The times are calling us, and the people expect us to deliver. only by pressing ahead with unwavering commitment and perseverance will we be able to answer the call of our times and meet the expectations of our people.
Corruption is a cancer to the vitality and ability of the Party, and fighting corruption is the most thorough kind of self-reform there is. As long as the breeding grounds and conditions for corruption still exist, we must keep sounding the bugle and never rest, not even for a minute, in our fight against corruption.
All of us in the Party must bear in mind that full and rigorous self-governance is an unceasing endeavor and that self-reform is a journey to which there is no end. We must never slacken our efforts and never allow ourselves to become weary or beaten.
The Party has made spectacular achievements through its great endeavors over the past century, and our new endeavors will surely lead to more spectacular achievements.
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